Almost 150 adverse reactions are reported that may include skin rashes, allergies, hypo or hyper pigmentation, scaling of skin, early appearance of wrinkles, eye infections, hair fall problems etc. A major risk reported by various scientists and researchers is carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects which can even prove fatal. A little enhancement of beauty can be reason for a person’s death. Ingredients present in items are not necessarily safe, if their stability, safety and toxicity are not maintained, that can even end up with a loss of life diabolically. 

A safe and non-toxic product is the one which is legalized and approved by FDA (Food and drug administration) which is a sturdy and broad regulation authority. FDA interrogates all the manufacturers to utilize right ingredients, correct formulations and follow all the safety parameters to substantiate the safety of cosmetic products before it is marketed. FDA withdraws many products from market for safety purposes.

“It is federal crime to put any product in market without approval of FDA”
So don’t use those products which are not legalized and approved by FDA

To practice safe use of cosmetics strictly follow these rules.
• Always wash your hands and face before applying cosmetics.
• DONOT share your cosmetics and NEVER use “testers” on the cosmetic shops as this practice can transfer various contagious diseases. One survey found that almost 6% of these samples were infected with contaminants like fungus. 
• Use “pH maintained” cosmetics as little deviation from skin pH can cause abrasive damage to skin.
• If your product causes irritation immediately remove that and consult dermatologist, and never use that product again.
• If you are having any infection or injury don’t apply cosmetics on that area and wait until it gets healed properly
• Avoid contamination of the product with dust and allergens 
• DISCARD expired items
• DONOT moist the dried up products with water as latter may contain microbes
• Ensure proper storage conditions
• Always read leaflet provided with product carefully before use
• Use sterile instruments for application of cosmetics specially eye related products
• Check ingredients declaration on the items
• Items containing lead product should not be used
• Do patch test behind the ear before using any cream or lotion
• Make sure that the cosmetics you are using are of good brand
• Close the cosmetics tightly after use
• Check the summary of color additives on FDA website. There’s a section especially on colors for cosmetics. If there is a color in your makeup that isn’t on that list, the company that made it is not obeying laws. Don’t use it. Even if it’s on the list, check to see if it has FDA’s OK for use near the eyes. If it doesn’t, keep it away from your eyes.
• Luminescent colors: these colors glow in dark. In august 2000, FDA approved luminescent zinc sulphide for limited cosmetic use. It’s the only luminescent color approved for cosmetic use, and it’s not for everyday or for “near your eyes” use. You can recognize it by its whitish-yellowish-greenish glow.
• Never apply makeup while driving
• Throw away makeup if its color/odour is changed. Preservatives degrade over time and may no longer be able to fight bacteria.
• Keep makeup away from sunlight. Light and heat can degrade preservatives.
• Never use aerosol beauty products near heat or while smoking, they can ignite. Hairsprays and powders may cause lung damage if inhaled regularly.

Following simple instructions and being little careful can drive you away from a lot of problems.


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